Search Results: "aeb"

30 March 2016

Mike Gabriel: Pushing Git repos to Github et al.

TL;DR; If you want to know why cloning several of the repositories to Github or GitLab instances fails and how this can be worked around, you may want to continue reading. Why we stumbled over this issue... As a joint effort of the Arctica Project, TheQVD and X2Go, Ulrich Sibiller and I are currently preparing a build workflow for the nxagent X-server (version 3) [1] that allows building nxagent against the modular 7.0 (using autoconf and automake) rather than the monolithic build workflow of 6.9 (using ancient imake). Our goal is to rewind all components required for building nxagent back to a state where nxagent successfully builds and runs. Then we will go through various, (probably) monthly cycles of Our first hurdle... After Ulrich now has a functioning locally, we want to get everything into the Arctica Project's Github namespace. Which fails...
[mike@minobo xorg.upstream]$ git clone
Cloning into 'libX11'...
remote: Counting objects: 18520, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3441/3441), done.
remote: Total 18520 (delta 15094), reused 18325 (delta 14954)
Receiving objects: 100% (18520/18520), 5.98 MiB   549.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (15094/15094), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
[mike@minobo xorg.upstream]$ cd libX11/
[mike@minobo libX11 (master)]$ git remote rename origin upstream 
[mike@minobo libX11 (master)]$ git remote add origin
[mike@minobo libX11 (master)]$ git push --mirror origin 
Counting objects: 18520, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3301/3301), done.
remote: error: object 70d5e4d45dd7bf1e05b099cb5a4dd529344084f0: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
remote: fatal: Error in object
error: pack-objects died of signal 13
error: failed to push some refs to ''
This issue should be a known issue at / Mesa upstream [2]. The underlying problem occurs with Git 2.5 and above... If you run git-fsck from Git (>= 2.5) against several of the Git repositories, you will stumble over the above issue. For libX11.git, we see these errors reported when running git-fsck from current Debian unstable:
mike@sid:~/xorg/libX11.git$ git fsck 
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
error in tag 70d5e4d45dd7bf1e05b099cb5a4dd529344084f0: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag a3bfe698090a5d41f1e9acb1b57a049085d6b04e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag c1fc8c9aec1bc92d03d08d5e986dd40b194a7a3e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag d4c27f7e7d8e2ea32418f341ad85c33f3b76862d: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 79780379aee21bf4d4bcb046a3b54774893ea6b1: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag a638de80ec20dc1de625cd323ed19a6646fecf2e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag f6a6414e4e52a971a35fd118c350567e2383d034: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag b5c6810e21be2e7ccfac8f0539d46bf75dbe50a0: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 86cec9d20428cc190ec7278a0abe481b180288ac: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag ac912988091574790c7cffbbc2c60b8c59f8fcef: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2d01674092951cd3284b3b099978b2436ea468ad: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 922d0534154668918eaa09a36cc5cd53fc6b71b7: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 8ef91b9cc0a4a7b0361f6b40b3f735221c8272cb: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 1516173727005a87aa501e1ad708d72e6ae6e753: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 77c9e63a3abff1593ccbed249b2c3ae7f68e1833: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 58044c7087137ce2b521297dbb31934ccaedc94e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2e0d061c6830891dcc856a04aac900e5bb6d0779: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2f58c7cc4cbf3d30927f6301039b6bf018ed38fd: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 77fc2e1e26019c3ba92275d249fe1979570255d2: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 9b2e06fa262f23dbcbbccd42be6477e08a452268: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 7f99410bb9cc9f7cbbc2d43d8ad044771a6eec0a: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 99b59b83f126b4abb9da89f577a5b8147d543c25: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 97170c33f99761acd932f968e21d6d7664e7ba80: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag b39966d452127c992987d082f69321f950ae4c39: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 05e20c3bd8ac6b7e873607db73894486a4ac0519: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag f478497b5a3e9d6b92237e0f408c9f0f18108f52: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag c5ed936f28ce70c8932e33d67a6e06d140e35ba8: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2b6beba295a6ff997dfe15a732c95ae6577fa735: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 32edbb1e9c5b7d1c6f8639dab85e5368d303df7f: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 490fbe2afb9ffc7057c0eb150f7cdd4d4fa8686c: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag fc605ac48bd7d675d6d04162a0f3bfebe27f2037: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 6289ecc26d1d505f395c59da744a9354d7aad2a2: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 8c9c30dac72aebd1a2c31a55a47c0ac11bc328db: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 3b7aa57994924be0dad693e837559d9ee900299c: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag b02ad9a8ec96e3c1027ca71289aeef5b8748e17e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 4402ab1a86226a9cd0ce84fb8147b1c4958c684d: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag bb02b4fbde316644c771d28d5edeeb9b213a6d6a: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 95b6462c70213b562c9d2b8726eda706edc9c456: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag a99fea43ad53907623f269942c55237c238645e0: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 0c417ce98a6cf927ce7a1359b198b2bb746c707e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag ce3ff6b102f360fc9dcd3a85361f44da054de0b1: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2fb7b16b38a365c5009bd170d4463634c1f3de26: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 95570f484bfde5fc2ed8548cb17b87d8114a2866: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag d6e5895c104cfe0d135494a605013dd2910a93a1: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 49be7144523c4a56afcb389a9aa021d167710d2c: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 020353d1b982ac938d229039ca13bfea5793fcd9: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 991792d4f8477ab65ad4d8a0245c9a3bbb1f0294: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag e8037555efe299a7143370b485f754f6b08ffac7: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 4fdc8e36a5022f3e32d5567305d8e9cde4011f1a: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 9c93a19a76163328e30a7306bb0babe3175fb9a2: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 9f90bf4424250f80340b3e2803d343c74d2adb0b: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 2e7a8c7974777e3e869de9013025dc3f61633e1e: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 59b7c06da2a64d72668394e9239e3dfe8a5cff59: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 0263c4f684faa9a5126a0db524d5d35be7277e52: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 1514e654c1a9b346cbfca5a81f6d331f106242aa: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
error in tag 6aa83ec3d1d82ee332cedcf4e99d3cbd56e73edd: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date
Checking objects: 100% (18523/18523), done.
What actually is going wrong here... When looking at one of those tags (luckily, only tags are affected), we see that something's not ok with the date string of the tag (I am not a Git plumber, so sorry for being superficial here):
mike@sid:~/xorg/libX11.git$ git show 2fb7b16b38a365c5009bd170d4463634c1f3de26
Tagger: Alan Coopersmith 
Date:   Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 +0000
commit 84adc60cae8e944777563501dd633622a28bdb3b
Author: Alan Coopersmith 
Date:   Sat Mar 27 07:08:16 2004 +0000
    Fix typo (IsModiferKey should be IsModifierKey)
[... not quoting the diff for the above commit ...]
How to work around that issue... We then got the idea that we could redo those tags with the date string derived from the commit that this tag points at. This can be scripted (credits go to an unnamed person in Ulrich's surrounding!!!):
mike@sid:~/xorg/libX11$ cat
set -x
git fsck 2>&1   tee git-fsck.log   grep "error in tag"   sed -r -e 's/error in tag ([0-9a-f]+):.*/\1/p'   while read broken; do
         echo $broken
         commit=$(git rev-parse $ broken ^ commit )
         tag=$(git cat-file tag $broken   sed -n 's/^tag //p')
         tag_msg=$(git cat-file tag $broken   sed -n '/^$/,$p'   tail -n +2)
         export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$(git log -1 --format='%cn' $commit)"
         export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$(git log -1 --format='%ce' $commit)"
         export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git log -1 --format='%cD' $commit)"
         git tag -a -f -m "$tag_msg" $tag $commit
# drop all old content...
git reflog expire --expire=all --all
git gc --prune=all
# no more errors should be reported...
git fsck
Copy this into the Git repo itself and let the script walk over your tags. After this script has been applied you can push the Git repo with broken tags redone to Git hosters like Github or GitLab. light+love,
Mike [1]

5 February 2016

Daniel Pocock: Giving up democracy to get it back

Do services like Facebook and Twitter really help worthwhile participation in democracy, or are they the most sinister and efficient mechanism ever invented to control people while giving the illusion that they empower us? Over the last few years, groups on the left and right of the political spectrum have spoken more and more loudly about the problems in the European Union. Some advocate breaking up the EU, while behind the scenes milking it for every handout they can get. Others seek to reform it from within. Yanis Varoufakis on motorbike Most recently, former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has announced plans to found a movement (not a political party) that claims to "democratise" the EU by 2025. Ironically, one of his first steps has been to create a web site directing supporters to Facebook and Twitter. A groundbreaking effort to put citizens back in charge? Or further entangling activism in the false hope of platforms that are run for profit by their Silicon Valley overlords? A Greek tragedy indeed, in the classical sense. Varoufakis rails against authoritarian establishment figures who don't put the citizens' interests first. Ironically, big data and the cloud are a far bigger threat than Brussels. The privacy and independence of each citizen is fundamental to a healthy democracy. Companies like Facebook are obliged - by law and by contract - to service the needs of their shareholders and advertisers paying to study and influence the poor user. If "Facebook privacy" settings were actually credible, who would want to buy their shares any more? Facebook is more akin to an activism placebo: people sitting in their armchair clicking to "Like" whales or trees are having hardly any impact at all. Maintaining democracy requires a sufficient number of people to be actively involved, whether it is raising funds for worthwhile causes, scrutinizing the work of our public institutions or even writing blogs like this. Keeping them busy on Facebook and Twitter renders them impotent in the real world (but please feel free to alert your friends with a tweet) Big data is one of the areas that requires the greatest scrutiny. Many of the professionals working in the field are actually selling out their own friends and neighbours, their own families and even themselves. The general public and the policy makers who claim to represent us are oblivious or reckless about the consequences of this all-you-can-eat feeding frenzy on humanity. Pretending to be democratic is all part of the illusion. Facebook's recent announcement to deviate from their real-name policy is about as effective as using sunscreen to treat HIV. By subjecting themselves to the laws of Facebook, activists have simply given Facebook more status and power. Data means power. Those who are accumulating it from us, collecting billions of tiny details about our behavior, every hour of every day, are fortifying a position of great strength with which they can personalize messages to condition anybody, anywhere, to think the way they want us to. Does that sound like the route to democracy? I would encourage Mr Varoufakis to get up to speed with Free Software and come down to Zurich next week to hear Richard Stallman explain it the day before launching his DiEM25 project in Berlin. Will the DiEM25 movement invite participation from experts on big data and digital freedom and make these issues a core element of their promised manifesto? Is there any credible way they can achieve their goal of democracy by 2025 without addressing such issues head-on? Or put that the other way around: what will be left of democracy in 2025 if big data continues to run rampant? Will it be as distant as the gods of Greek mythology? Still not convinced? Read about Amazon secretly removing George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm from Kindles while people were reading them, Apple filtering the availability of apps with a pro-Life bias and Facebook using algorithms to identify homosexual users.

17 October 2015

Simon Richter: Key Transition

So, since several years I've had a second gpg key, 4096R/6AABE354. Several of you have already signed it, and I've been using it in Debian for some time already, but I've not announced it more widely yet, and I occasionally still get mail encrypted to the old key (which remains valid and usable, but it's 1024R). Of course, I've also made a formal transition statement:
Hash: SHA1
OpenPGP Key Transition Statement for Simon Richter
I have created a new OpenPGP key and will be transitioning away from
my old key.  The old key has not been compromised and will continue to
be valid for some time, but I prefer all future correspondence to be
encrypted to the new key, and will be making signatures with the new
key going forward.
I would like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust.
This message is signed by both keys to certify the transition.  My new
and old keys are signed by each other.  If you have signed my old key,
I would appreciate signatures on my new key as well, provided that
your signing policy permits that without re-authenticating me.
The old key, which I am transitioning away from, is:
pub   1024D/5706A4B4 2002-02-26
      Key fingerprint = 040E B5F7 84F1 4FBC CEAD  ADC6 18A0 CC8D 5706 A4B4
The new key, to which I am transitioning, is:
pub   4096R/6AABE354 2009-11-19
      Key fingerprint = 9C43 2534 95E4 DCA8 3794  5F5B EBF6 7A84 6AAB E354
The entire key may be downloaded from:
To fetch the full new key from a public key server using GnuPG, run:
  gpg --keyserver --recv-key 6AABE354
If you already know my old key, you can now verify that the new key is
signed by the old one:
  gpg --check-sigs 6AABE354
If you are satisfied that you've got the right key, and the User IDs
match what you expect, I would appreciate it if you would sign my key:
  gpg --sign-key 6AABE354
You can upload your signatures to a public keyserver directly:
  gpg --keyserver --send-key 6AABE354
Or email (possibly encrypted) the output from:
  gpg --armor --export 6AABE354
If you'd like any further verification or have any questions about the
transition please contact me directly.
To verify the integrity of this statement:
  wget -q -O-   gpg --verify
Version: GnuPG v1

27 August 2015

Ritesh Raj Sarraf: Laptop Mode Tools - 1.68

I am please to announce the release of Laptop Mode Tools, version 1.68. This release is mainly focused on integration with the newer init system, systemd. Without the help from the awesome Debian systemd maintainers, this would not have been possible. Thank you folks. While the focus now is on systemd, LMT will still support the older SysV Init. With this new release, there are some new files: laptop-mode.service, laptop-mode.timer and lmt-poll.service. All the files should be documented well enough for users. lmt-poll.service is the equivalent of the module battery-level-polling, should you need it. Filtered git log:
1.68 - Thu Aug 27 22:36:43 IST 2015
    * Fix all instances for BATTERY_LEVEL_POLLING
    * Group kill the polling daemon so that its child process get the same signal
    * Release the descriptor explicitly
    * Add identifier about who's our parent
    * Narrow down our power_supply subsystem event check condition
    * Fine tune the .service file
    * On my ultrabook, AC as reported as ACAD
    * Enhance lmt-udev to better work with systemd
    * Add a timer based polling for LMT. It is the equivalent of battery-polling-daemon,
      using systemd
    * Disable battery level polling by default, because most systems will have systemd running
    * Add documentation reference in systemd files
The md5 checksum for the tarball is 15edf643990e08deaebebf66b128b270




17 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 2 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort for this week: Media coverage Debian's effort on reproducible builds has been covered in the June 2015 issue of Linux Magazin in Germany. Cover of Linux Magazin June 2015 Article about reproducible builds in Linux Magazin June 2015 Toolchain fixes josch rebased the experimental version of debhelper on 9.20150507. Packages fixed The following 515 packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: airport-utils, airspy-host, all-in-one-sidebar, ampache, aptfs, arpack, asciio, aspell-kk, asused, balance, batmand, binutils-avr, bioperl, bpm-tools, c2050, cakephp-instaweb, carton, cbp2make, checkbot, checksecurity, chemeq, chronicle, cube2-data, cucumber, darkstat, debci, desktop-file-utils, dh-linktree, django-pagination, dosbox, eekboek, emboss-explorer, encfs, exabgp, fbasics, fife, fonts-lexi-saebom, gdnsd, glances, gnome-clocks, gunicorn, haproxy, haskell-aws, haskell-base-unicode-symbols, haskell-base64-bytestring, haskell-basic-prelude, haskell-binary-shared, haskell-binary, haskell-bitarray, haskell-bool-extras, haskell-boolean, haskell-boomerang, haskell-bytestring-lexing, haskell-bytestring-mmap, haskell-config-value, haskell-mueval, haskell-tasty-kat, itk3, jnr-constants, jshon, kalternatives, kdepim-runtime, kdevplatform, kwalletcli, lemonldap-ng, libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl, libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl, libany-uri-escape-perl, libanyevent-http-scopedclient-perl, libanyevent-perl, libanyevent-processor-perl, libapache-session-wrapper-perl, libapache-sessionx-perl, libapp-options-perl, libarch-perl, libarchive-peek-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl, libaudio-wav-perl, libaudio-wma-perl, libauth-yubikey-decrypter-perl, libauthen-krb5-simple-perl, libauthen-simple-perl, libautobox-dump-perl, libb-keywords-perl, libbarcode-code128-perl, libbio-das-lite-perl, libbio-mage-perl, libbrowser-open-perl, libbusiness-creditcard-perl, libbusiness-edifact-interchange-perl, libbusiness-isbn-data-perl, libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl, libcache-historical-perl, libcache-memcached-perl, libcairo-gobject-perl, libcarp-always-perl, libcarp-fix-1-25-perl, libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl, libcatalyst-controller-formbuilder-perl, libcatalyst-dispatchtype-regex-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-cache-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl, libcatalyst-view-gd-perl, libcgi-application-dispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl, libcgi-application-server-perl, libcgi-compile-perl, libcgi-xmlform-perl, libclass-accessor-classy-perl, libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl, libclass-accessor-perl, libclass-c3-adopt-next-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl, libclass-field-perl, libclass-handle-perl, libclass-load-perl, libclass-ooorno-perl, libclass-prototyped-perl, libclass-returnvalue-perl, libclass-singleton-perl, libclass-std-fast-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-auto-perl, libconfig-jfdi-perl, libconfig-simple-perl, libconvert-basen-perl, libconvert-ber-perl, libcpan-checksums-perl, libcpanplus-dist-build-perl, libcriticism-perl, libcrypt-cracklib-perl, libcrypt-dh-gmp-perl, libcrypt-mysql-perl, libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl, libcrypt-simple-perl, libcss-packer-perl, libcss-tiny-perl, libcurses-widgets-perl, libdaemon-control-perl, libdancer-plugin-database-perl, libdancer-session-cookie-perl, libdancer2-plugin-database-perl, libdata-format-html-perl, libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl, libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdate-jd-perl, libdate-simple-perl, libdatetime-astro-sunrise-perl, libdatetime-event-cron-perl, libdatetime-format-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-epoch-perl, libdatetime-format-mail-perl, libdatetime-tiny-perl, libdatrie, libdb-file-lock-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libdbix-class-datetime-epoch-perl, libdbix-class-dynamicdefault-perl, libdbix-class-introspectablem2m-perl, libdbix-class-timestamp-perl, libdbix-connector-perl, libdbix-oo-perl, libdbix-searchbuilder-perl, libdbix-xml-rdb-perl, libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl, libdigest-hmac-perl, libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl, libemail-date-format-perl, libemail-mime-perl, libemail-received-perl, libemail-sender-perl, libemail-simple-perl, libencode-detect-perl, libexporter-tidy-perl, libextutils-cchecker-perl, libextutils-installpaths-perl, libextutils-libbuilder-perl, libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl, libextutils-typemap-perl, libfile-counterfile-perl, libfile-pushd-perl, libfile-read-perl, libfile-touch-perl, libfile-type-perl, libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl, libfont-freetype-perl, libfrontier-rpc-perl, libgd-securityimage-perl, libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl, libgit-pureperl-perl, libgnome2-canvas-perl, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libgraph-readwrite-perl, libgraphics-colornames-www-perl, libgssapi-perl, libgtk2-appindicator-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl, libgtk2-notify-perl, libhash-asobject-perl, libhash-moreutils-perl, libhtml-calendarmonthsimple-perl, libhtml-display-perl, libhtml-fillinform-perl, libhtml-form-perl, libhtml-formhandler-model-dbic-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libhtml-linkextractor-perl, libhtml-tableextract-perl, libhtml-widget-perl, libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-mediawiki-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-body-perl, libhttp-date-perl, libimage-imlib2-perl, libimdb-film-perl, libimport-into-perl, libindirect-perl, libio-bufferedselect-perl, libio-compress-lzma-perl, libio-compress-perl, libio-handle-util-perl, libio-interface-perl, libio-multiplex-perl, libio-socket-inet6-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl, libiptables-chainmgr-perl, libjoda-time-java, libjsr305-java, libkiokudb-perl, liblemonldap-ng-cli-perl, liblexical-var-perl, liblingua-en-fathom-perl, liblinux-dvb-perl, liblocales-perl, liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl, liblog-log4perl-perl, liblog-report-lexicon-perl, liblwp-mediatypes-perl, liblwp-protocol-https-perl, liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl, libmail-sendeasy-perl, libmarc-xml-perl, libmason-plugin-routersimple-perl, libmasonx-processdir-perl, libmath-base85-perl, libmath-basecalc-perl, libmath-basecnv-perl, libmath-bigint-perl, libmath-convexhull-perl, libmath-gmp-perl, libmath-gradient-perl, libmath-random-isaac-perl, libmath-random-oo-perl, libmath-random-tt800-perl, libmath-tamuanova-perl, libmemoize-expirelru-perl, libmemoize-memcached-perl, libmime-base32-perl, libmime-lite-tt-perl, libmixin-extrafields-param-perl, libmock-quick-perl, libmodule-cpanfile-perl, libmodule-load-conditional-perl, libmodule-starter-pbp-perl, libmodule-util-perl, libmodule-versions-report-perl, libmongodbx-class-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoosex-app-cmd-perl, libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl, libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl, libmoosex-insideout-perl, libmoosex-relatedclassroles-perl, libmoosex-role-timer-perl, libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl, libmoosex-storage-perl, libmoosex-types-common-perl, libmoosex-types-uri-perl, libmoox-singleton-perl, libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl, libmousex-foreign-perl, libmp3-tag-perl, libmysql-diff-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libnet-bonjour-perl, libnet-cli-interact-perl, libnet-daap-dmap-perl, libnet-dbus-glib-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-frame-perl, libnet-google-authsub-perl, libnet-https-any-perl, libnet-https-nb-perl, libnet-idn-encode-perl, libnet-idn-nameprep-perl, libnet-imap-client-perl, libnet-irc-perl, libnet-mac-vendor-perl, libnet-openid-server-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-tls-perl, libnet-smtpauth-perl, libnet-snpp-perl, libnet-sslglue-perl, libnet-telnet-perl, libnhgri-blastall-perl, libnumber-range-perl, libobject-signature-perl, libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl, libopenoffice-oodoc-perl, libparse-cpan-packages-perl, libparse-debian-packages-perl, libparse-fixedlength-perl, libparse-syslog-perl, libparse-win32registry-perl, libpdf-create-perl, libpdf-report-perl, libperl-destruct-level-perl, libperl-metrics-simple-perl, libperl-minimumversion-perl, libperl6-slurp-perl, libpgobject-simple-perl, libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl, libplack-test-externalserver-perl, libplucene-perl, libpod-tests-perl, libpoe-component-client-ping-perl, libpoe-component-jabber-perl, libpoe-component-resolver-perl, libpoe-component-server-soap-perl, libpoe-component-syndicator-perl, libposix-strftime-compiler-perl, libposix-strptime-perl, libpostscript-simple-perl, libproc-processtable-perl, libprotocol-osc-perl, librcs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreturn-multilevel-perl, librivescript-perl, librouter-simple-perl, librrd-simple-perl, libsafe-isa-perl, libscope-guard-perl, libsemver-perl, libset-tiny-perl, libsharyanto-file-util-perl, libshell-command-perl, libsnmp-info-perl, libsoap-lite-perl, libstat-lsmode-perl, libstatistics-online-perl, libstring-compare-constanttime-perl, libstring-format-perl, libstring-toidentifier-en-perl, libstring-tt-perl, libsub-recursive-perl, libsvg-tt-graph-perl, libsvn-notify-perl, libswish-api-common-perl, libtap-formatter-junit-perl, libtap-harness-archive-perl, libtemplate-plugin-number-format-perl, libtemplate-plugin-yaml-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtenjin-perl, libterm-visual-perl, libtest-block-perl, libtest-carp-perl, libtest-classapi-perl, libtest-cmd-perl, libtest-consistentversion-perl, libtest-data-perl, libtest-databaserow-perl, libtest-differences-perl, libtest-file-sharedir-perl, libtest-hasversion-perl, libtest-kwalitee-perl, libtest-lectrotest-perl, libtest-module-used-perl, libtest-object-perl, libtest-perl-critic-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl, libtest-script-perl, libtest-script-run-perl, libtest-spelling-perl, libtest-strict-perl, libtest-synopsis-perl, libtest-trap-perl, libtest-unit-perl, libtest-utf8-perl, libtest-without-module-perl, libtest-www-selenium-perl, libtest-xml-simple-perl, libtest-yaml-perl, libtex-encode-perl, libtext-bibtex-perl, libtext-csv-encoded-perl, libtext-csv-perl, libtext-dhcpleases-perl, libtext-diff-perl, libtext-quoted-perl, libtext-trac-perl, libtext-vfile-asdata-perl, libthai, libthread-conveyor-perl, libthread-sigmask-perl, libtie-cphash-perl, libtie-ical-perl, libtime-stopwatch-perl, libtk-dirselect-perl, libtk-pod-perl, libtorrent, libturpial, libunicode-japanese-perl, libunicode-maputf8-perl, libunicode-stringprep-perl, libuniversal-isa-perl, libuniversal-moniker-perl, liburi-encode-perl, libvi-quickfix-perl, libvideo-capture-v4l-perl, libvideo-fourcc-info-perl, libwiki-toolkit-plugin-rss-reader-perl, libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl, libwww-mechanize-gzip-perl, libwww-mechanize-perl, libwww-opensearch-perl, libx11-freedesktop-desktopentry-perl, libxc, libxml-dtdparser-perl, libxml-easy-perl, libxml-handler-trees-perl, libxml-libxml-iterator-perl, libxml-libxslt-perl, libxml-rss-perl, libxml-validator-schema-perl, libxml-xpathengine-perl, libxml-xql-perl, llvm-py, madbomber, makefs, mdpress, media-player-info, meta-kde-telepathy, metamonger, mmm-mode, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, mupen64plus-ui-console, mupen64plus-video-z64, mussort, newpid, node-formidable, node-github-url-from-git, node-transformers, nsnake, odin, otcl, parsley, pax, pcsc-perl, pd-purepd, pen, prank, proj, proot, puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql, python-async, python-pysnmp4, qrencode, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-xvector, r-cran-pscl, rbenv, rlinetd, rs, ruby-ascii85, ruby-cutest, ruby-ejs, ruby-factory-girl, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-kpeg, ruby-libxml, ruby-password, ruby-zip-zip, sdl-sound1.2, stterm, systemd, taktuk, tcc, tryton-modules-account-invoice, ttf-summersby, tupi, tuxpuck, unknown-horizons, unsafe-mock, vcheck, versiontools, vim-addon-manager, vlfeat, vsearch, xacobeo, xen-tools, yubikey-personalization-gui, yubikey-personalization. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Alioth now hosts a script that can be used to redo builds and test for a package. This was preliminary done manually through requests over the IRC channel. This should reduce the number of interruptions for jenkins' maintainers The graph of the oldest build per day has been fixed. Maintainance scripts will not error out when they are no files to remove. Holger Levsen started work on being able to test variations of CPU features and build date (as in build in another month of 1984) by using virtual machines. debbindiff development Version 18 has been released. It will uses proper comparators for pk3 and info files. Tar member names are now assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. The limit for the maximum number of different lines has been removed. Let's see on how it goes for pathological cases. It's now possible to specify both --html and --text output. When neither of them is specified, the default will be to print a text report on the standard output (thanks to Paul Wise for the suggestion). Documentation update Nicolas Boulenguez investigated Ada libraries. Package reviews 451 obsolete reviews have been removed and 156 added this week. New identified issues: running kernel version getting captured, random filenames in GHC debug symbols, and timestamps in headers generated by qdbusxml2cpp. Misc. Holger Levsen went to re:publica and talked about reproducible builds to developers and users there. Holger also had a chance to meet FreeBSD developers and discuss the status of FreeBSD. Investigations have started on how it could be made part of our current test system. Laurent Guerby gave Lunar access to systems in the GCC Compile Farm. Hopefully access to these powerful machines will help to fix packages for GCC, Iceweasel, and similar packages requiring long build times.

2 May 2015

Dimitri Fontaine: Quicklisp and debian

Common Lisp users are very happy to use Quicklisp when it comes to downloading and maintaining dependencies between their own code and the librairies it is using. Sometimes I am pointed that when compared to other programming languages Common Lisp is lacking a lot in the batteries included area. After having had to package about 50 common lisp librairies for debian I can tell you that I politely disagree with that. And this post is about the tool and process I use to maintain all those librairies. Quicklisp is good at ensuring a proper distribution of all those libs it supports and actually tests that they all compile and load together, so I've been using it as my upstream for debian packaging purposes. Using Quicklisp here makes my life much simpler as I can grovel through its metadata and automate most of the maintenance of my cl related packages. It's all automated in the ql-to-deb software which, unsurprisingly, has been written in Common Lisp itself. It's a kind of a Quicklisp client that will fetch Quicklisp current list of releases with version numbers and compare to the list of managed packages for debian in order to then build new version automatically. The current workflow I'm using begins with using ql-to-deb is to check for the work to be done today:
$ /vagrant/build/bin/ql-to-deb check
Fetching ""
Fetching ""
update: cl+ssl cl-csv cl-db3 drakma esrap graph hunchentoot local-time lparallel nibbles qmynd trivial-backtrace
upload: hunchentoot
After careful manual review of the automatic decision, let's just update all what check decided would have to be:
$ /vagrant/build/bin/ql-to-deb update
Fetching ""
Fetching ""
Updating package cl-plus-ssl from 20140826 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-plus-ssl.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/cl+ssl-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: 61d9d164d37ab5c91048827dfccd6835
Building package cl-plus-ssl
Updating package cl-csv from 20140826 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-csv.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/cl-csv-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: 32f6484a899fdc5b690f01c244cd9f55
Building package cl-csv
Updating package cl-db3 from 20131111 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-db3.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/cl-db3-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: 578896a3f60f474742f240b703f8c5f5
Building package cl-db3
Updating package cl-drakma from 1.3.11 to 1.3.13.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-drakma.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/drakma-1.3.13.tgz"
      md5: 3b548bce10728c7a058f19444c8477c3
Building package cl-drakma
Updating package cl-esrap from 20150113 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-esrap.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/esrap-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: 8b198d26c27afcd1e9ce320820b0e569
Building package cl-esrap
Updating package cl-graph from 20141106 to 20150407.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-graph.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/graph-20150407-git.tgz"
      md5: 3894ef9262c0912378aa3b6e8861de79
Building package cl-graph
Updating package hunchentoot from 1.2.29 to 1.2.31.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//hunchentoot.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/hunchentoot-1.2.31.tgz"
      md5: 973eccfef87e81f1922424cb19884d63
Building package hunchentoot
Updating package cl-local-time from 20150113 to 20150407.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-local-time.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/local-time-20150407-git.tgz"
      md5: 7be4a31d692f5862014426a53eb1e48e
Building package cl-local-time
Updating package cl-lparallel from 20141106 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-lparallel.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/lparallel-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: dbda879d0e3abb02a09b326e14fa665d
Building package cl-lparallel
Updating package cl-nibbles from 20141106 to 20150407.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-nibbles.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/nibbles-20150407-git.tgz"
      md5: 2ffb26241a1b3f49d48d28e7a61b1ab1
Building package cl-nibbles
Updating package cl-qmynd from 20141217 to 20150302.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-qmynd.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/qmynd-20150302-git.tgz"
      md5: b1cc35f90b0daeb9ba507fd4e1518882
Building package cl-qmynd
Updating package cl-trivial-backtrace from 20120909 to 20150407.
     see logs in "//tmp/ql-to-deb/logs//cl-trivial-backtrace.log"
Fetching ""
Checksum test passed.
     File: "/tmp/ql-to-deb/archives/trivial-backtrace-20150407-git.tgz"
      md5: 762b0acf757dc8a2a6812d2f0f2614d9
Building package cl-trivial-backtrace
Quite simple. To be totally honnest, I first had a problem with the parser generator library esrap wherein the README documentation changed to be a file, and I had to tell my debian packaging about that. See the 0ef669579cf7c07280eae7fe6f61f1bd664d337e commit to ql-to-deb for details. What about trying to install those packages locally? That's usually a very good test. Sometimes some dependencies are missing at the dpkg command line, so another apt-get install -f is needed:
$ /vagrant/build/bin/ql-to-deb install
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-csv_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-csv-clsql_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-csv-data-table_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-db3_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-drakma_1.3.13-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-esrap_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-graph_20150407-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-hunchentoot_1.2.31-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-local-time_20150407-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-lparallel_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-nibbles_20150407-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-qmynd_20150302-1_all.deb /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-trivial-backtrace_20150407-1_all.deb
(Reading database ... 79689 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-plus-ssl (20150302-1) over (20140826-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cl-csv.
Preparing to unpack .../cl-csv_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-csv (20150302-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cl-csv-clsql.
Preparing to unpack .../cl-csv-clsql_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-csv-clsql (20150302-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cl-csv-data-table.
Preparing to unpack .../cl-csv-data-table_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-csv-data-table (20150302-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package cl-db3.
Preparing to unpack .../cl-db3_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-db3 (20150302-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-drakma_1.3.13-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-drakma (1.3.13-1) over (1.3.11-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-esrap_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-esrap (20150302-1) over (20150113-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-graph_20150407-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-graph (20150407-1) over (20141106-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-hunchentoot_1.2.31-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-hunchentoot (1.2.31-1) over (1.2.29-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-local-time_20150407-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-local-time (20150407-1) over (20150113-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-lparallel_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-lparallel (20150302-1) over (20141106-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-nibbles_20150407-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-nibbles (20150407-1) over (20141106-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-qmynd_20150302-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-qmynd (20150302-1) over (20141217-1) ...
Preparing to unpack .../cl-trivial-backtrace_20150407-1_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-trivial-backtrace (20150407-1) over (20120909-2) ...
Setting up cl-plus-ssl (20150302-1) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of cl-csv:
 cl-csv depends on cl-interpol; however:
  Package cl-interpol is not installed.
dpkg: error processing package cl-csv (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of cl-csv-clsql:
 cl-csv-clsql depends on cl-csv; however:
  Package cl-csv is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing package cl-csv-clsql (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of cl-csv-data-table:
 cl-csv-data-table depends on cl-csv; however:
  Package cl-csv is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing package cl-csv-data-table (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Setting up cl-db3 (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-drakma (1.3.13-1) ...
Setting up cl-esrap (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-graph (20150407-1) ...
Setting up cl-local-time (20150407-1) ...
Setting up cl-lparallel (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-nibbles (20150407-1) ...
Setting up cl-qmynd (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-trivial-backtrace (20150407-1) ...
Setting up cl-hunchentoot (1.2.31-1) ...
Errors were encountered while processing:
Let's make sure that our sid users will be happy with the update here:
$ sudo apt-get install -f
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  g++-4.7 git git-man html2text libaugeas-ruby1.8 libbind9-80
  libclass-isa-perl libcurl3-gnutls libdns88 libdrm-nouveau1a
  libegl1-mesa-drivers libffi5 libgraphite3 libgssglue1 libisc84 libisccc80
  libisccfg82 liblcms1 liblwres80 libmpc2 libopenjpeg2 libopenvg1-mesa
  libpoppler19 librtmp0 libswitch-perl libtiff4 libwayland-egl1-mesa luatex
  openssh-blacklist openssh-blacklist-extra python-chardet python-debian
  python-magic python-pkg-resources python-six ttf-dejavu-core ttf-marvosym
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 51 not upgraded.
3 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 20.7 kB of archives.
After this operation, 135 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 
Get:1 sid/main cl-interpol all 0.2.1-2 [20.7 kB]
Fetched 20.7 kB in 0s (84.5 kB/s)
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
Selecting previously unselected package cl-interpol.
(Reading database ... 79725 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../cl-interpol_0.2.1-2_all.deb ...
Unpacking cl-interpol (0.2.1-2) ...
Setting up cl-interpol (0.2.1-2) ...
Setting up cl-csv (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-csv-clsql (20150302-1) ...
Setting up cl-csv-data-table (20150302-1) ...
All looks fine, time to sign those packages. There's a trick here, where you want to be sure you're using a GnuPG setup that allows you to enter your passphrase only once, see ql-to-deb vm setup for details, and the usual documentations about all that if you're interested into the details.
$ /vagrant/build/bin/ql-to-deb sign
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-csv_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-csv_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-db3_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-db3_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-drakma_1.3.13-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-drakma_1.3.13-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-esrap_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-esrap_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-graph_20150407-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-graph_20150407-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/hunchentoot_1.2.31-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/hunchentoot_1.2.31-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-local-time_20150407-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-local-time_20150407-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-lparallel_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-lparallel_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-nibbles_20150407-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-nibbles_20150407-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-qmynd_20150302-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-qmynd_20150302-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-trivial-backtrace_20150407-1.dsc 60B1CB4E
 signfile /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-trivial-backtrace_20150407-1_amd64.changes 60B1CB4E
Successfully signed dsc and changes files
Ok, with all tested and signed, it's time we upload our packages on debian servers for our dear debian users to be able to use newer and better versions of their beloved Common Lisp librairies:
$ /vagrant/build/bin/ql-to-deb upload
Trying to upload package to ftp-master (
Checking signature on .changes
gpg: Signature made Sat 02 May 2015 05:06:48 PM MSK using RSA key ID 60B1CB4E
gpg: Good signature from "Dimitri Fontaine <>"
Good signature on /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_amd64.changes.
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: Signature made Sat 02 May 2015 05:06:46 PM MSK using RSA key ID 60B1CB4E
gpg: Good signature from "Dimitri Fontaine <>"
Good signature on /tmp/ql-to-deb/cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1.dsc.
Uploading to ftp-master (via ftp to
  Uploading cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1.dsc: done.
  Uploading cl-plus-ssl_20150302.orig.tar.gz: done.
  Uploading cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1.debian.tar.xz: done.
  Uploading cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_all.deb: done.
  Uploading cl-plus-ssl_20150302-1_amd64.changes: done.
Successfully uploaded packages.
Of course the same text or abouts is then repeated for all the other packages. Enjoy using Common Lisp in debian! Oh and remember, the only reason I've written ql-to-deb and signed myself up to maintain those upteens Common Lisp librairies as debian package is to be able to properly package pgloader in debian, as you can see at and in particular in the Other Packages Related to pgloader section of the debian source package for pgloader at That level of effort is done to ensure that we respect the Debian Social Contract wherein debian ensures its users that it's possible to rebuild anything from sources as found in the debian repositories.

13 January 2015

Simon Josefsson: Replicant 4.2 0003 on I9300

The Replicant project released version 4.2 0003 recently. I have been using Replicant on a Samsung SIII (I9300) for around 14 months now. Since I have blogged about issues with NFC and Wifi earlier, I wanted to give a status update after upgrading to 0003. I m happy to report that my NFC issue has been resolved in 0003 (the way I suggested; reverting the patch). My issues with Wifi has been improved in 0003, with my merge request being accepted. What follows below is a standalone explanation of what works and what doesn t, as a superset of similar things discussed in my earlier blog posts. What works out of the box: Audio, Telephony, SMS, Data (GSM/3G), Back Camera, NFC. 2D Graphics is somewhat slow compared to stock ROM, but I m using it daily and can live with that so it isn t too onerus. Stability is fine, similar to other Android device I m used to. Video playback does not work (due to non-free media decoders?), which is not a serious problem for me but still likely the biggest outstanding issue except for freedom concerns. 3D graphics apparently doesn t work, and I believe it is what prevents Firefox from working properly (it crashes). I m having one annoying but strange problem with telephony: when calling one person I get scrambled audio around 75% of the time. I can still hear what the other person is saying, but can barely make anything out of it. This only happens over 3G, so my workaround when calling that person is to switch to 2G before and switch back after. I talk with plenty other people, and have never had this problem with anyone else, and it has never happened when she talks with anyone else but me. If anyone has suggestion on how to debug this, I m all ears. Important apps to get through daily life for me includes K9Mail (email), DAVDroid (for ownCloud CalDav/CardDAV), CalDav Sync Adapter (for Google Calendars), Conversations (XMPP/Jabber chat), FDroid (for apps), ownCloud (auto-uploading my photos), SMS Backup+, Xabber (different XMPP/Jabber accounts), Yubico Authenticator, MuPDF and oandbackup. A couple of other apps I find useful are AdAway (remove web ads), AndStatus, Calendar Widget, NewsBlur and ownCloud News Reader (RSS readers), Tinfoil for Facebook, Twidere (I find its UI somewhat nicer than AndStatus s), and c:geo. A number of things requires non-free components. As I discussed in my initial writeup from when I started using Replicant I don t like this, but I m accepting it temporarily. The list of issues that can be fixed by adding non-free components include the front camera, Bluetooth, GPS, and Wifi. After flashing the Replicant ROM image that I built (using the fine build instructions), I m using the following script to add the missing non-free files from Cyanogenmod.
# Download Cyanogenmod 10.1.3 (Android 4.2-based) binaries:
# wget
# echo "073a464a9f5129c490502c77374495c38a25ba790c10e27f51b43845baeba6bf"   sha256sum -c 
# unzip
adb root
adb remount
adb shell mkdir /system/vendor/firmware
adb shell chmod 755 /system/vendor/firmware
# Front Camera
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin /system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin /system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin /system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin
# Bluetooth
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/bin/bcm4334.hcd /system/vendor/firmware/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/firmware/bcm4334*.hcd
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/bin/gpsd /system/bin/gpsd
adb shell chmod 755 /system/bin/gpsd
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/hw/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/lib/ /system/lib/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/
# Wifi
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin_b1 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_apsta.bin_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_mfg.bin_b0 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_mfg.bin_b1 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_mfg.bin_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_p2p.bin_b0 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_p2p.bin_b1 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_p2p.bin_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin_b0 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin_b1 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/bcmdhd_sta.bin_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_mfg.txt /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_mfg.txt_murata /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_mfg.txt_murata_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_mfg.txt_semcosh /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_murata_b2 /system/vendor/firmware/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/etc/wifi/nvram_net.txt_semcosh /system/vendor/firmware/
I hope this helps others switch to a better phone environment!

9 January 2015

Uwe Hermann: My GPG key transition to a 4096-bit key

This is long overdue, so here goes:
Hash: SHA1,SHA512
I'm transitioning my GPG key from an old 1024D key to a new 4096R key.
The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but I prefer
all new correspondance to be encrypted to the new key, and will be making
all signatures going forward with the new key.
This transition document is signed with both keys to validate the transition.
If you have signed my old key, I would appreciate signatures on my new
key as well, provided that your signing policy permits that without
re-authenticating me.
Old key:
pub   1024D/0x5DD5685778D621B4 2000-03-07
      Key fingerprint = 0F3C 34D1 E4A3 8FC6 435C  01BA 5DD5 6857 78D6 21B4
New key:
pub   4096R/0x1D661A372FED8F94 2013-12-30
      Key fingerprint = 9A17 578F 8646 055C E19D  E309 1D66 1A37 2FED 8F94
Version: GnuPG v1
The new key is available from keyservers, e.g. or others. In other news: Yes, I've not been blogging much recently, will try to do updates more often. In the mean time, you can also refer to my Twitter account for random stuff or the new sigrok Twitter account for sigrok-related posts.

1 January 2015

Russ Allbery: 2014 Book Reading in Review

This year, after a series of catastrophically horrible and unethical management decisions, I walked away from my job of seventeen years and found a new job. As you might expect, reading wasn't the top priority for much of the year. I'm moderately surprised that I read as much as I did. The good side is that I'm now in a much better place both professionally and personally and no longer have to put up with draining and demoralizing nonsense happening on a regular basis. The downside for my review output is that the new job is more engrossing and is, in some ways, harder work, so I expect my reading totals going forward to stabilize somewhere below where they were in the past (although it's possible that the daily commute will change that equation somewhat). As mentioned last year, I had a feeling that something like this would happen (although not that it would be anywhere near this bad), so I had no specific reading goals for the year. Next year, I'm going to see how it goes for the first few months, and might then consider setting some goals if I want to encourage myself to take more time for reading. The below statistics are confined to the books I reviewed in 2014. I read three more books that I've not yet reviewed, partly because the end of the year isn't as packed with vacation as it was at Stanford. Those will be counted in 2014. Despite the low reading totals for the year, I read two 10 out of 10 books. My favorite book of the year was Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice, which was one of the best science fiction novels I've ever read. Highly recommended if you like the space opera genre at all. A close second was my favorite non-fiction book of the year and the other 10 out of 10: Allie Brosh's collection Hyperbole and a Half. Those of you who have read her blog already know her brilliant and insightful style of humor. Those who haven't are in for a treat. I read a lot of non-fiction this year and not as much fiction, partly for mood reasons, so I don't have honorable mentions in the fiction department. In the non-fiction department, though, there are four more books worth mentioning. Cryptography Engineering, by Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno, was the best technical book that I read last year, and a must-read for anyone who works on security or crypto software. David Graeber's Debt was the best political and economic book of the year and the book from which I learned the most. It changed the way that you think about debt and loans significantly. A close second, though, was David Roodman's Due Diligence, which is a must-read for anyone who has considered investing in microfinance or is curious about the phenomenon. We need more data-driven, thoughtful, book-length analysis like this in the world. Finally, The Knowledge, by Lewis Dartnell, is an entertaining and quixotic project. The stated goal of the book is to document the information required to rebuild civilization after a catastrophe, with hopefully fewer false starts and difficult research than was required the first time. I'm dubious about its usefulness for that goal, but it's a fascinating and entertaining book in its own right, full of detail about industrial processes and the history of manufacturing and construction that are otherwise hard to come by without extensive (and boring) research. Recommended, even if you're dubious about the efficacy of the project. The full analysis includes some additional personal reading statistics, probably only of interest to me.

28 December 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Some Remarks

Review: Some Remarks, by Neal Stephenson
Publisher: William Morrow
Copyright: June 2013
ISBN: 0-06-202444-2
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 336
This is going to be another weird review, since I read this essay collection about three months ago, and I borrowed it from a friend. So this is both from fading memory and without a handy reference other than Internet searches. Apologies in advance for any important details that I miss. The advantage is that you'll see what parts of this collection stuck in my memory. Some Remarks is, as you might guess from the title, a rather random collection of material. There's one long essay that for me was the heart of the book (more on that in a moment), two other longer essays, two short stories, and thirteen other bits of miscellaneous writing of varying lengths. I found most of the short essays unremarkable. Stephenson uses a walking desk because sitting is bad for you that sentence contains basically all of the interesting content of one of the essays. I think it takes a large topic and some running room before Stephenson can get up to speed and produce something that's more satisfying than technological boosterism. That means the most interesting parts of this book are the three longer works. "In the Kingdom of Mao Bell" was previously published in Wired and is still available. Some Remarks contains only excerpts; Stephenson says that some of the original essay is no longer that interesting. I had mixed feelings about this one. Some of the sense of place he creates was fun to read, but Stephenson can't seem to quite believe that the Chinese don't care about "freedom" according to his definitions in the same way and therefore don't have the same political reaction to hacker culture that he does. This could have been an opportunity for him to question assumptions, but instead it's mostly an exercise in dubious, sweeping cultural evaluation, such as "the country has a long history of coming up with technologies before anyone else and then not doing a lot with them." A reminder that the detail with which Stephenson crams his writing is not always... true. Stronger is "Atoms of Cognition: Metaphysics in the Royal Society 1715 2010," which covers material familiar to readers of Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. The story of Newton, Leibniz, their rivalry, and the competing approaches to thinking about mathematics and science was my favorite part of that series, and in some ways the non-fiction treatment is better than the fictional one. If you liked the Baroque Cycle, this is worth reading. But the highlight of the book for me was "Mother Earth Mother Board." This is a long essay (50,000 words, practically a small book and the largest part of this collection) about the laying of undersea fiber-optic cables. Those who have read Cryptonomicon will recognize some of the themes here, but there's way more to this essay than there was to the bits about undersea cables in Cryptonomicon. It's mostly about technology, rather than people, which puts Stephenson on firmer ground. The bit about people reads more like a travelogue, full of Stephenson's whole-hearted admiration of people who build things and make things work. There's a bit of politics, a bit of history, a bit of tourism, and a lot of neat trivia about a part of the technological world that I'd not known much about before. I would say this is worth the price of the collection, but it too was previously published in Wired, so you can just read it online. Those reading this review on my web site will notice that I filed it in non-fiction. There are a couple of stories, but they're entirely forgettable (in fact, I had entirely forgotten them, and had to skim them again). But, for the record, here are short reviews of those: "Spew": This originally appeared in Wired and can still be read on-line. The protagonist takes a job as a sort of Internet marketing inspector who looks for deviations from expected profiles. While tracing down an anomaly, though, he finds another use of the Internet that's outside of the marketing framework he's using. It's unlikely that anyone who's been online for long will find much new in this story. Some of that is because it was originally published in 1994, but most of it is just that this isn't a very good story. Stephenson seems to have turned up his normal manic infodump to 11 to satisfy the early Wired aesthetic, and the result is a train wreck of jargon, bad slang, and superficial social observation. (3) "The Great Simoleon Caper": Originally published in TIME, this story too is still available online. It's primarily interesting because it's a story about Bitcoin (basically), written in 1995. And it's irritating for exactly the same reason that Bitcoin enthusiasm often tends to be irritating: the assumption that cryptocurrency is somehow a revolutionary attack on government-run currency systems. I'm not going to get into the ways in which this doesn't make sense given how money is used socially (David Graeber's Debt is the book to read if you want more information); just know that the story follows that path and doesn't engage with any of the social reasons why that outcome is highly unlikely. Indeed, the lengths to which the government tries to go to discredit cryptocurrency in this story are rather silly. Apart from that, this is typical early Stephenson writing. It's very in love with ideas, not as much with characterization, and consists mostly of people explaining things to each other. Sometimes this is fun, but when focused on topics about which considerably more information has become available, it doesn't age very well. (5) Overall, there was one great essay and a few interesting bits, but I wouldn't have felt I was missing much if I'd never read this collection. I borrowed Some Remarks from a friend, and I think that's about the right level of effort. If it falls into your hands, or you see it in a library, some of the essays, particularly "Mother Earth Mother Board," are worth reading, but given that the best parts are available on-line for free, I don't think it's worth a purchase. Rating: 6 out of 10

27 November 2014

Jonathan Dowland: PGP transition statement

Hash: SHA512,SHA1
I'm transitioning from my old, 1024-bit DSA PGP key, FD35 0B0A C6DD 5D91 DB7A 83D1 168B 4E71 7032 F238, to my newer, 4096-bit RSA key, E037 CB2A 1A00 61B9 4336 3C8B 0907 4096 06AA AAAA. If you have signed my old key, I'd be very grateful if you would consider signing my new key. (Thanks in advance!) This is long overdue! I've had 06AAAAAA since 2009, but it took me a while to get enough signatures on it for me to consider a transition. I still have far more signatures on my older key, owing to attending more conferences when I was using it than since I switched. This statement, available in plaintext at, has been signed with both keys. I've marked my old key as expiring in around 72 days time, which coincides with my change of job, and will be just short of ten years since I generated it.
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin)

14 October 2014

Julian Andres Klode: Key transition

I started transitioning from 1024D to 4096R. The new key is available at: and the key server. A very short transition statement is available at: and included below (the http version might get extended over time if needed). The key consists of one master key and 3 sub keys (signing, encryption, authentication). The sub keys are stored on an OpenPGP v2 Smartcard. That s really cool, isn t it? Somehow it seems that GnuPG 1.4.18 also works with 4096R keys on this smartcard (I accidentally used it instead of gpg2 and it worked fine), although only GPG 2.0.13 and newer is supposed to work.
Hash: SHA1,SHA512
Because 1024D keys are not deemed secure enough anymore, I switched to
a 4096R one.
The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but i prefer all
future correspondence to come to the new one.  I would also like this
new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust.  This message is
signed by both keys to certify the transition.
the old key was:
pub   1024D/00823EC2 2007-04-12
      Key fingerprint = D9D9 754A 4BBA 2E7D 0A0A  C024 AC2A 5FFE 0082 3EC2
And the new key is:
pub   4096R/6B031B00 2014-10-14 [expires: 2017-10-13]
      Key fingerprint = AEE1 C8AA AAF0 B768 4019  C546 021B 361B 6B03 1B00
Version: GnuPG v2

Filed under: Uncategorized

Julian Andres Klode: Key transition

I started transitioning from 1024D to 4096R. The new key is available at: and the key server. A very short transition statement is available at: and included below (the http version might get extended over time if needed). The key consists of one master key and 3 sub keys (signing, encryption, authentication). The sub keys are stored on an OpenPGP v2 Smartcard. That s really cool, isn t it? Somehow it seems that GnuPG 1.4.18 also works with 4096R keys on this smartcard (I accidentally used it instead of gpg2 and it worked fine), although only GPG 2.0.13 and newer is supposed to work.
Hash: SHA1,SHA512
Because 1024D keys are not deemed secure enough anymore, I switched to
a 4096R one.
The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but i prefer all
future correspondence to come to the new one.  I would also like this
new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust.  This message is
signed by both keys to certify the transition.
the old key was:
pub   1024D/00823EC2 2007-04-12
      Key fingerprint = D9D9 754A 4BBA 2E7D 0A0A  C024 AC2A 5FFE 0082 3EC2
And the new key is:
pub   4096R/6B031B00 2014-10-14 [expires: 2017-10-13]
      Key fingerprint = AEE1 C8AA AAF0 B768 4019  C546 021B 361B 6B03 1B00
Version: GnuPG v2

Filed under: Uncategorized

13 July 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Neptune's Brood

Review: Neptune's Brood, by Charles Stross
Series: Freyaverse #2
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: July 2013
ISBN: 1-101-62453-1
Format: Kindle
Pages: 325
Neptune's Brood is set in the same universe as Saturn's Children, but I wouldn't call it a sequel. It takes place considerably later, after substantial expansion of the robot civilization to the stars, and features entirely different characters (or, if there was overlap, I didn't notice). It also represents a significant shift in tone: while Saturn's Children is clearly a Heinlein pastiche and parody, Neptune's Brood takes its space opera more seriously. There is some situational humor assault auditors, for example but this book is played mostly straight, and I detected little or no Heinlein. This is Stross fleshing out his own space opera concept. This being Stross, that concept is not exactly conventional. This is a space opera about economics. Specifically, it's a space opera about interstellar economics, a debt pyramid, and a very interesting remapping of the continual growth requirements of capitalism to the outward expansion of colonization. The first-person protagonist comes from a "family" (as in Saturn's Children, the concept exists but involves rather more aggressive control of the instantiated "children") of bankers, but she is a forensic accountant and historian who specializes in analysis of financial scams. As you might expect, this is a significant clue about the plot. Neptune's Brood opens with Krina in search of her sister. She is supposed to be an itinerant scholar, moving throughout colonized space to spend some time with various scattered sisters, spreading knowledge and expanding her own. But it's clear from the start of the book that something else is going on, even before an assassin with Krina's face appears on her trail. Unfortunately, it takes roughly a third of the book to learn just what is happening beneath the surface, and most of that time is spent in a pointless interlude on a flying cathedral run by religious fanatics. The religion is a callback to Saturn's Children: robots who are trying to spread original humanity (the Fragiles) to the stars. This mostly doesn't go well, and is going particularly poorly for the ship that Krina works for passage on. But this is a brief gag that I thought went on much too long. The plot happens to Krina for this first section of the book rather than the other way around, little of lasting significance other than some character introductions occurs, and the Church itself, while playing a minor role in the later plot, is not worth the amount of attention that it gets. The best parts of the early book are the interludes in which Krina explains major world concepts to the reader. These are absolutely blatant infodumping, and I'm not sure how Stross gets away with them, but somehow he does, at least for me. They remind me of some of his blog posts, except tighter and fit into an interesting larger structure. Thankfully, once Krina finally arrives on Shin-Tethys, the plot improves considerably. There was a specific moment for me when the book became interesting: when Krina finds her sib's quarters in Shin-Tethys and analyzes what she finds there. It's the first significant thing in the book that she does rather than have done to her or thrust upon her, and she's a much better character when she's making decisions. This is also about the point where Stross starts fully explaining slow money, which is key to both the economics and the plot, and the plot starts to unwind its various mysteries and identify the motives of the players. Even then, Krina suffers from a lack of agency. Only at rare intervals does she get a chance to affect the story. Most of what she did of relevance to this book she did in the past, and while those descriptions of the backstory are interesting, they don't entirely make up for a passive protagonist. Thankfully, the other characters are varied and interesting enough, and the political machinations and cascading revelations captivating enough, that the last part of the book was very satisfying even with Krina on for the ride. This is a Stross novel, so it's full of two-dollar technical words mixed with technobabble. However, it shares with Saturn's Children the recasting of robots as the norm and fleshy humans as the exception, which means much of the technobabble is a straight substitution for our normal babble about meaty bodies and often works as an alienation technique. That makes it a bit more tolerable for me, although I still wished Stross would turn down the manic vocabulary in places. This bothers some people more than others; if you had no trouble with Accelerando, Neptune's Brood will pose no problems. I don't think the first section of this book was successful, but I liked the rest well enough to recommend it. If you like your space opera with a heavy dose of economics, a realistic attitude towards deep space exploration without faster-than-light technology, and a realistic perspective on the hostility of alien planets to Earth life, Neptune's Brood is a good choice. And any book that quotes David Graeber's Debt, and whose author has clearly paid attention to its contents, wins bonus points from me. Rating: 8 out of 10

27 June 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Due Diligence

Review: Due Diligence, by David Roodman
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Copyright: 2012
ISBN: 1-933286-48-2
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 335
Due Diligence: An Impertinent Inquiry into Microfinance is a detailed analysis of the effects, philosophy, approaches, and merits of microfinance as an institution and as, increasingly, a charitable focus of the developed world. The author, David Roodman, was a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development at the time of writing this book, and is an expert in microfinance and economic development. This book starts as an overview and a history of the spectrum of microfinance institutions (something I found very valuable, since I knew very little about microfinance prior to Kiva's popularity), and then attempts a critical, data-driven analysis of whether, to what extent, and by which measures microfinance is successful. The most common aspect of microfinance, made popular and prominent by Kiva among others, is microcredit: small loans to people in developing countries. The underlying theory of microcredit is that lack of financial services handicaps prospective entrepreneurs and business owners in the third world, preventing them from growing businesses, funding expansion, and moving out of poverty. By extending relatively small amounts of credit to these people, or so the theory goes, they can better smooth out the uncertainties of day-to-day life and get the necessary capital to expand small local business. Microcredit is not the only type of microfinance, though, and Roodman's careful discussion of that point was one of the most informative parts of this book for me. It can also come in the form of microsavings tiny bank accounts or small-scale savings plans or microinsurance. Roodman makes a very interesting argument that these three forms of microfinance form two opposing continuums. Microcredit is the easiest to provide and microinsurance is the hardest, for many reasons he discusses including some that were surprising to me, but microinsurance is arguably the most helpful and beneficial to the individual poor and microcredit is the least. The opening history and survey does an excellent job showing the range of techniques and approaches used in microfinance, and showing the challenges of providing it. I had some vague understanding of the logistical challenges in serving areas far away from traditional infrastructure. I had much less understanding of the fascinating array of techniques in use, both inside and outside what's become the microfinance industry. Some of these techniques are brilliant examples of human economic creativity and skill at balancing incentives with risk protection. There are a much wider variety of approaches and instruments available than the individual or group loans that one typically sees on a site like Kiva, all with different trade-offs in group size, flexibility, rigidity, risk, and complexity. This book is well worth reading just to get a feel for the huge array of financial arrangements possible outside of the traditional banking structures that most readers of this review are used to. Another question Roodman answers thoroughly is why microfinance is so focused on microcredit. My vague unease with that was strengthened by reading David Graeber's Debt, which among many other things makes clear some of the social perils and power imbalances in lending. Due Diligence both crystallized that discomfort and explained why alternatives are difficult. Both microsavings and microinsurance necessarily involve considerably more regulation (which has both advantages and complexity), since they involve taking and safeguarding people's money and promising service in the future. Lenders require less trust; lenders instead extend trust and assume that risk themselves, and are in a position to do so. Microinsurance is also harder to explain and harder to target, although it is potentially the most helpful financial instrument when well-targeted. And microcredit can absorb huge influxes of capital from the outside, lending it out in a region, while both microsavings and microinsurance are necessarily built on the money already in the local economy and are inherently more resistant to external involvement. (I'm of the opinion this is a significant feature, but it makes it far harder for them to catch on as a charitable trend.) The heart of the book is a hard look at whether microfinance, and particularly microcredit, works. Roodman attempts this analysis for three different definitions of working: lifting people out of poverty (the most commonly claimed success), giving people more freedom and control over their lives even if their poverty level does not change in absolute terms, and developing the local economy. Sadly for charities like Kiva, microcredit does surprisingly poorly on the first two metrics. There is still little clear data, and the degree to which data from one region is applicable to a different region is highly debatable, but what evidence we have does not support the theory that microcredit lifts people out of poverty. In fact, the more intense the microcredit, the more likely it appears to be that credit pathologies common in the developed world, such as taking out loans from one organization to pay off loans from another, spirals of debt that is unlikely to ever be repaid, and aggressive debt collection methods, turn up in microcredit as well. The vision of the entrepreneur who succeeds through new-found access to capital is largely a myth. Indeed, the current packaging and presentation of loans to distant charities in developed countries means that even the supposed purpose of the loans is dubious. Loans are almost always presented as being for some sort of business activity, since that's what external charities want to fund, but money is fungible and the funds are more often used for all the things people normally need to use funds for: weddings, funerals, food for the family in hard times, paying off other loans to relatives, and other daily expenses. On the empowerment front, microcredit fairs little better, and here I particularly appreciated Roodman's clear-eyed and honest portrayal of common microcredit practices and their benefits for the creditors. For example, microcredit makes much of loaning to women, and presents this as a story of female empowerment. Roodman argues that there is some reality behind that, but it's also clear that microcredit organizations loan to women because women are more likely to repay not due to any inherent gender trait, but because women are easier to intimidate and shame into repaying. Similarly, the much-vaunted group loans, usually presented as a way for the community to support each other and teach each other financial skills, are most common in the poorest regions because they represent an outsourcing of costs. The main risk to the lender is that poor people have no such thing as credit histories, and detailed investigations of someone's trustworthiness is expensive. Groups are jointly liable and therefore will police themselves and check each other's reliability at no cost to the lender. Groups will also use intimidation tactics and even violence against members who don't or can't repay their share, without the lender having to get involved or have any responsibility for those tactics. Roodman takes a philosophical tone on this topic, noting several times that services for the very poor are generally of low quality and finance is no exception. I'm less inclined to be philosophical; after reading this book, I find it very hard to support group loans. This leaves economic development as the most compelling argument left for microcredit. This is weak tea for people like myself who wanted to believe in the transformative power of microcredit, but Roodman does a solid job explaining why it's still important. There is a great deal to be said for the perspective that only industrialization actually lifts people out of poverty on any substantial scale, and therefore the most useful type of aid is aid that somehow contributes towards industrialization. Building a native financial industry could arguably be such a step. And there seems to be some real merit and lasting effect to having a richer and more capable set of local financial institutions. However, here, it's not at all clear that external money helps. In fact, there's quite a bit of evidence that external money hurts, since it pushes microfinance institutions to find ways of using that money and pleasing external donors instead of building their infrastructure and capabilities as financial institutions. The earlier institutions, such as the Grameen Bank, seem to have done a better job at being local institutions woven into the local economy than have the later organizations that are largely supported by western donors. Roodman makes a good case for the usefulness of microfinance as a part of economic development, but it comes with a strong argument against too much external funding, and particularly against the practice of developed world donors funding specific loans. I came away from this book feeling like I had a much better understanding of the core problems and techniques of financial services for the poor, and with a strong desire to see more microsavings than microcredit. The two are closer in nature than I had expected, and Roodman's analysis of the similarities was fascinating, but microsavings seems less vulnerable to some of the credit pathologies. There is also some statistical evidence that microsavings does provide some modest reductions in poverty, while the evidence for microcredit is much less compelling. Sadly, from the perspective of a resident of the developed world such as myself who would very much like to help, neither microsavings nor effective microcredit seems likely to benefit from my contributions, and particularly not in the form of a site like Kiva. The end of this book is a long appendix that reprints multiple blog posts on related topics, including additional discussion of the problems with the Kiva model. Effectively, Kiva is a way for people like myself to subsidize microcredit organizations. It's not at all clear that subsidies are needed, and there's some reason to believe that they encourage negative and destructive behavior. The way they are marketed involves a certain amount of lying, or at least distortion, on the part of multiple actors in the microcredit picture. And they're a distraction from microsavings, and from microcredit based on loaning out savings from within the same local economy, both of which seem to have considerably more positive properties. Due Diligence is a book with a somewhat narrow target audience. It will appeal primarily to people with an interest in economics, particularly development economics, or who are evaluating microfinance charities or analyzing their support of groups like Kiva. But within that context, this is an excellent book, and I recommend it to your attention. Roodman is clear, thorough, and fair within my ability to measure that, and while no one book can be the final word on a topic, he adds considerable data and thoughtful analysis. If you are a supporter of Kiva, like I was, I fear you'll find this book rather discouraging. But it's better to have the information than not, and I found it a good reminder of the inherent drawbacks of loans and debt. There is, sadly, nothing magical about microcredit that removes those problems. Rating: 9 out of 10

2 June 2014

Russ Allbery: Review: Debt

Review: Debt, by David Graeber
Publisher: Melville House
Copyright: 2011, 2012
Printing: October 2012
ISBN: 1-61219-129-0
Format: Trade paperback
Pages: 453
You probably remember this story from introductory economics. Originally, people exchanged things through barter. I needed grain but had a cow. You had a farm but needed milk. I gave you milk for your grain. But this was tedious and awkward, and required finding the right combination of people who needed something the other person had on hand. Then, people invented money: small objects with an agreed-upon value that you could keep and use later when you needed something else. In other words, both a medium of exchange and a store of value. And that improved matters for a long time, although war-torn societies or societies that collapsed (the supposed "Dark Ages" often raises its head) would sometimes "revert to barter" for some period of time until things were stable enough for currency to reappear. Following that story was usually some story about the emergence of money based on credit: goldsmith shops that started a side business in storing other people's coins and giving them receipts, leading to the receipts trading like the coins since the shops were trustworthy, and from there into the Bank of England and eventually the fractional reserve banking system, fiat money, and all the modern machinery of finance. All of this was dated from the early Enlightenment and the development of modern finance in Europe. It's a very neat story, and it makes a great deal of intuitive sense. That barter system does feel like what you'd have to do without money, but one can immediately see how obnoxious and limiting it would be. These stories play into our intuitive sense of history: people started with emergent properties of the physical world (different people have different goods and different skills and want to exchange them) and then develop layers of abstraction on top of them, eventually leading to the sophistication of modern societies. However, David Graeber is not an economist. He's an anthropologist: the profession devoted to understanding how people actually do things rather than how we've reconstructed our history based on our modern perspective. And, as he points out, engagingly and comprehensively, in chapter two of Debt, there is no evidence that this story about economic history has anything whatsoever to do with reality. And quite a bit of evidence that it does not. As best as we've been able to determine, not only is there no society in the world that deals with routine, day-to-day needs like grain and milk through barter, there never has been such a society in human history. Instead, history and anthropology shows that credit is, in a sense, older than currency: the earliest recorded economic transactions were built on a rich system of credit, but in the form of purchases from shopkeepers on credit, or credit clearinghouses through the local government or temple. Those credit records were often denominated in some standardized commodity so many cattle or bushels of grain that could create the impression that the economy worked on barter. But the anthropological evidence indicates that this was more an accounting technique than a practical currency. People rarely brought the named commodity to the temple to pay off some debt. Rather, there was an agreed conversion from various other goods to that standardized commodity, and its primary purpose was consistent bookkeeping. Specie minted coins appear to come later, and wax and wane throughout history depending on local circumstance. For example, Europe did not "revert to barter" after the collapse of the Roman Empire, but the inhabitants did stop using specie and returned to a system of credit and record-keeping... records that continued to be denominated in Roman currency, even though few people still used the actual coins. That's one fascinating observation with which Graeber begins this book. The other is the question of why we have such a strong social and moral belief that people must pay their debts. This moral belief is ever-present in discussions about the 2008 financial collapse, and more broadly in discussions about the modern economy, but it's not as obvious of a belief as it might appear on the surface. After all, the banking and investment system is founded on the principle that not everyone will repay their debts, and therefore lenders receive a risk premium based on the likelihood that the debt won't be repaid. But, despite building the possibility of non-repayment into the system, debt forgiveness or intentional default is almost unthinkable and considered a huge moral problem. To this, Graeber brings the perspective of historical anthropology: human societies have struggled with the problems of debt and repayment from the beginning of recorded history, and have attempted a wide variety of solutions to those problems, including massive debt forgiveness. The jubilee described in the Bible was not novel; rather, it reflected a common practice to keep abuses of debt under control in ancient Sumer. The subtitle of Debt is The First 5,000 Years, and this book is a historical survey. But Graeber puts off the history to first lay an intellectual groundwork for our understanding of debt, and I found that preliminary discussion extremely valuable. Most memorable was the way Graeber divides human economic relationships into communism (in the old sense, not the political sense), exchange, and hierarchy. Capitalism has consumed our economic analysis to such a degree that exchange is the only economic basis that gets much discussion, but the other two are both obvious and pervasive once Graeber points them out. Human civilization could not exist without all three. And Graeber also points out one aspect of exchange-based economics that had not previously occurred to me: it's the economic relationship that one creates with strangers. Debt has the unique characteristic that it can be discharged, at which point the relationship ceases. This has far more complex and far-reaching moral and social implications than one might initially realize, and Graeber did a wonderful job opening my eyes to some of the subtleties. Debt is clearly a scholarly work, but Graeber's writing is clear and engaging. I found most of this book to be surprisingly easy reading. The hardest going was Graeber's discussion of societies that use a form of currency to arrange relationships between people (marriages, births, and deaths, primarily), but not day-to-day economic transactions. I suspect this area is closer to Graeber's areas of personal research and field work, which resulted in more technical detail. I'm still not sure I completely grasp the principles that Graeber was trying to communicate. But I was struck by the observation of alienation's role in turning a human being into a commodity, and how that links with debt's role as the economic transaction one has with strangers. Graeber covers slavery only glancingly, but makes some memorable points about the use of violence to rip someone out of their social context, and how that is necessary in human cultures before humans can be reduced to a commodity. There's a lot here, and I've only scratched the surface. I haven't mentioned, for example, the fascinatingly elegant theory that coining money and then requiring taxes be paid in the same money is a simple and highly effective way of funding armies, an explanation for specie that is largely unproven but that I find more compelling than the ones I've previously heard. Approaching debt from an anthropological instead of economic perspective is surprisingly enlightening. Debt is primarily a historical and cultural discussion rather than a set of proposed solutions, but Graeber does effectively show that debt as a moral obligation is not an unquestionable moral stance, but rather has a long history as one side of a two-sided political debate. I also came away from this book more conscious of the social implications and costs of debt-structured interactions, and wanting to push more of the language of debt out of my day-to-day dealings. Graeber is well known as one of the supporters of Occupy Wall Street, and Debt, while a well-defended academic work, certainly does advocate a position. But the academic analysis is more prominent than the advocacy, and I found his positions well-defended and well-argued. I do need to give the caveat that I don't have the anthropological background to distinguish the statements from Graeber that are well-established common knowledge in anthropology from the ones that are more controversial, and I would be a bit leery of taking this book as the final word on the topic. But it fully deserves its popularity and reputation as a thought-provoking and valuable contribution to the conversation. It's another book that I want to re-read someday to digest further, and the sort of book whose observations keep occurring to me in subsequent discussions or news stories. If you're at all interested in the way in which we construct the morality around economics and debt, I think this is a book that you should read. It's thoughtful, challenging, and surprising, and it passes my acid test for books of this sort with flying colors: after reading it, you realize that many things are more complicated, more historical, and less novel than you had originally thought. Highly recommended. Rating: 9 out of 10

14 April 2014

Daniel Kahn Gillmor: OTR key replacement (heartbleed)

I'm replacing my OTR key for XMPP because of heartbleed (see below). If the plain ASCII text below is mangled beyond verification, you can retrieve a copy of it from my web site that should be able to be verified.
Hash: SHA512
OTR Key Replacement for XMPP
Date: 2014-04-14
My main XMPP account is
I prefer OTR [0] conversations when using XMPP for private
I was using irssi to connect to XMPP servers, and irssi relies on
OpenSSL for the TLS connections.  I was using it with versions of
OpenSSL that were vulnerable to the "Heartbleed" attack [1].  It's
possible that my OTR long-term secret key was leaked via this attack.
As a result, I'm changing my OTR key for this account.
The new, correct OTR fingerprint for the XMPP account at is:
  F8953C5D 48ABABA2 F48EE99C D6550A78 A91EF63D
Thanks for taking the time to verify your peers' fingerprints.  Secure
communication is important not only to protect yourself, but also to
protect your friends, their friends and so on.
Happy Hacking,
  --dkg  (Daniel Kahn Gillmor)
[0] OTR:
[1] Heartbleed:
Version: GnuPG v1

27 February 2014

Simon Josefsson: Replicant 4.2 on Samsung S3

Since November 2013 I have been using Replicant on my Samsung S3 as an alternative OS. The experience has been good for everyday use. The limits (due to non-free software components) compared to a normal S3 (running vendor ROM or CyanogenMod) is lack of GPS/wifi/bluetooth/NFC/frontcamera functionality although it is easy to get some of that working again, including GPS, which is nice for my geocaching hobby. The Replicant software is stable for being an Android platform; better than my Nexus 7 (2nd generation) tablet which I got around the same time that runs an unmodified version of Android. The S3 has crashed around ten times in these four months. I ve lost track of the number of N7 crashes, especially after the upgrade to Android 4.4. I use the N7 significantly less than the S3, reinforcing my impression that Replicant is a stable Android. I have not had any other problem that I couldn t explain, and have rarely had to reboot the device. The Replicant project recently released version 4.2 and while I don t expect the release to resolve any problem for me, I decided it was time to upgrade and learn something new. I initially tried the official ROM images, and later migrated to using my own build of the software (for no particular reason other than that I could). Before the installation, I wanted to have a full backup of the phone to avoid losing data. I use SMS Backup+ to keep a backup of my call log, SMS and MMS on my own IMAP server. I use oandbackup to take a backup of all software and settings on the phone. I use DAVDroid for my contacts and calendar (using a Radicale server), and reluctantly still use aCal in order to access my Google Calendar (because Google does not implement RFC 5397 properly so it doesn t work with DAVDroid). Alas all that software is not sufficient for backup purposes, for example photos are still not copied elsewhere. In order to have a complete backup of the phone, I m using rsync over the android debug bridge (adb). More precisely, I connect the phone using a USB cable, push a rsyncd configuration file, start the rsync daemon on the phone, forward the TCP/IP port, and then launch rsync locally. The following commands are used: jas@latte:~$ cat rsyncd.conf
uid = root
gid = root
path = /
jas@latte:~$ adb push rsyncd.conf /extSdCard/rsyncd.conf
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
0 KB/s (57 bytes in 0.059s)
jas@latte:~$ adb root
jas@latte:~$ adb shell rsync --daemon --no-detach --config=/extSdCard/rsyncd.conf &
jas@latte:~$ adb forward tcp:6010 tcp:873
jas@latte:~$ sudo rsync -av --delete --exclude /dev --exclude /acct --exclude /sys --exclude /proc rsync://localhost:6010/root/ /root/s3-bup/
Now feeling safe that I would not lose any data, I remove the SIM card from my phone (to avoid having calls, SMS or cell data interrupt during the installation) and follow the Replicant Samsung S3 installation documentation. Installation was straightforward. I booted up the newly installed ROM and familiarized myself with it. My first reaction was that the graphics felt a bit slower compared to Replicant 4.0, but it is hard to tell for certain. After installation, I took a quick rsync backup of the freshly installed phone, to have a starting point for future backups. Since my IMAP and CardDav/CalDav servers use certificates signed by CACert I first had to install the CACert trust anchors, to get SMS Backup+ and DAVDroid to connect. For some reason it was not sufficient to add only the root CACert certificate, so I had to add the intermediate CA cert as well. To load the certs, I invoke the following commands, selecting Install from SD Card when the menu is invoked (twice). adb push root.crt /sdcard/
adb shell am start -n "\"\$\"SecuritySettingsActivity"
adb push class3.crt /sdcard/
adb shell am start -n "\"\$\"SecuritySettingsActivity"
I restore apps with oandbackup, and I select a set of important apps that I want restored with settings preserved, including aCal, K9, Xabber, c:geo, OsmAnd~, NewsBlur, Google Authenticator. I install SMS Backup+ from FDroid separately and configure it, SMS Backup+ doesn t seem to want to restore anything if the app was restored with settings using oandbackup. I install and configure the DAVdroid account with the server URL, and watch it populate my address book and calendar with information. After organizing the icons on the launcher screen, and changing the wallpaper, I m up and running with Replicant 4.2. This upgrade effort took me around two evenings to complete, with around half of the time consumed by exploring different ways to do the rsync backup before I settled on the rsync daemon approach. Compared to the last time, when I spent almost two weeks researching various options and preparing for the install, this felt like a swift process.
I spent some time researching how to get the various non-free components running. This is of course sub-optimal, and the Replicant project does not endorse non-free software. Alas there aren t any devices out there that meets my requirements and use only free software. Personally, I feel using a free core OS like Replicant and then adding some non-free components back is a better approach than using CyanogenMod directly, or (horror) the stock ROM. Even better is of course to not add these components back, but you have to decide for yourselves which trade-offs you want to make. The Replicant wiki has a somewhat outdated page on Samsung S3 firmware. Below are my notes for each component, which applies to Replicant 4.2 0001. You need to first prepare your device a bit using these commands, and it is a good idea to reboot the device after installing the files. adb root
adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system
adb shell mkdir /system/vendor/firmware
adb shell chmod 755 /system/vendor/firmware
GPS: The required files are the same as for Replicant 4.0, and using the files from CyanogenMod 10.1.3 works fine. The following commands load them onto the device. Note that this will load code that will execute on your main CPU which is particularly bothersome. There seems to exist a number of different versions of these files, CyanogenMod have the same gpsd and in version 10.1.3 and 10.2 but the differs between 10.1.3 and 10.2. All files differ from the files I got with my stock Samsung ROM on this device (MD5 checksums in my previous blog). I have not investigated how these versions differs or which of them should be recommended. I use the files from CyanogenMod 10.1.3 because it matches the Android version and because the files are easily available. adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/bin/gpsd /system/bin/gpsd
adb shell chmod 755 /system/bin/gpsd
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/hw/
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/lib/ /system/lib/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/lib/hw/ /system/lib/
Bluetooth: Only one file has to be installed, apparently firmware loaded onto the Bluetooth chip. Cyanogenmod 10.1.3 and 10.2 contains identical files, which has a string in it BCM4334B0 37.4MHz Class1.5 Samsung D2 . The file I got with my stock ROM has a string in it BCM4334B0 37.4MHz Class1.5 Samsung M0 . I don t know the difference, although I have seen that D2 sometimes refers to the US version of a Samsung device. My device is the international version, but it seems to work anyway. adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/bin/bcm4334.hcd /system/vendor/firmware/bcm4334.hcd
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/firmware/bcm4334.hcd
Front Camera: Two files has to be installed, apparently firmware loaded onto the Camera chip. CyanogenMod 10.1.3 and 10.2 contains identical files, which has a string in it [E4412 520-2012/08/30 17:35:56]OABH30 . The file I got with my stock ROM has a string in it [E4412 533-2012/10/06 14:38:46]OABJ06 . I don t know the difference. adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin /system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin
adb push cm-10.1.3-i9300/system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin /system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/firmware/fimc_is_fw.bin /system/vendor/firmware/setfile.bin
NFC: I m happy that I got NFC to work, this was one of my main issues with Replicant 4.0 (see my earlier blog post). Only one file is needed, however CyanogenMod does not seem to distribute it so you have to get it from your stock ROM or elsewhere. The md5 of the file I have is b9364ba59de1947d4588f588229bae20 (and no I will not send it to you). I have tested it with the YubiKey NEO and the Yubico Authenticator app. adb push clockworkmod/blobs/ee6/7188ca465cf01dd355a92685a42361e113f886ef44e96d371fdaebf57acae /system/vendor/firmware/
adb shell chmod 644 /system/vendor/firmware/
Wifi: I haven t gotten wifi to work, although I have not tried very hard. Loading the CyanogenMod firmwares makes my device find wireless networks, but when I try to authenticate (WPA-PSK2), I get failures. Possibly some other files has to be loaded as well. Update: This blog post has been updated since initial posting to use rsync over adb instead of USB tethering, and to mention that I got the ROM building to work. flattr this!

3 December 2013

Russell Coker: Preferring Not To

I ve just read Bartleby the Scrivener which is a short story about a scrivener who refused to work saying I d prefer not to . It reminded me of some situations in the computer industry. I ve never seen a single case where someone preferred not to work when everyone around them (colleagues and management) wanted them to work. But then the incidence of having an entire team and management wanting to work efficiently isn t nearly as common as one might imagine. In some cases it s desired that someone not work, such as a former colleague who was hired as a sysadmin but did nothing but change backup tapes (a few hours work per week). Not having him login as root improved the general reliability of the servers but it was fortunate that we never needed to restore from backups One time I had a colleague who preferred to spend most of his time in the office searching the Internet for videos of street fights. I have often told colleagues that I would prefer them to work, but in the case of a guy who s only hobby is street-fighting I decided to let it go. Managing people can be difficult, particularly for someone who doesn t like disagreements. Some managers that I ve reported to seemed to prefer not to manage in an apparent attempt to avoid disputes. One time when I complained about a colleague not even having a suitable computer to permit doing any work a manager responded with the rhetorical question what do you expect me to do? . That manager didn t do any annual reviews of staff for over a year, he only eventually did some reviews because he was told that his scheduled promotion was on hold until he got them done. I got the impression that at least two levels of management preferred not to work at that company. Sometimes it just gets weird though, such as the occasion when I was the only member of a team and the manager who was supposedly managing no-one but me never seemed to have time to have a meeting with me. But he didn t want me to bypass him and talk directly to other people in the company, so he preferred not to work and not to have anyone else do his job. Most of the companies that I ve worked for in a full-time capacity didn t seem to have any effective technical interviews (note that I ve mostly worked for financial companies and ISPs not free software companies). So it seems that anyone with minimal computer skills who wants a well paying job could just send out a CV to a bunch of recruiting agencies, get interviewed by enough companies to eventually hit one without a technical interview process and then find a job that doesn t require work. Depression The Wikipedia page about Bartleby the Scrivener [2] suggests that Bartleby was depressed. I wonder how much of the lack of performance I ve witnessed has been due to depression. There appears to be a strong correlation between work environments that cause depression and people preferring not to work. Maybe managers should be considering how to make work less depressing to try and get more effective employees (in terms of quality and quantity of work). One example of this is the sysadmin team death spiral I ve witnessed where no-one can automate solving problems (EG by cron jobs to manage resource usage and analysis tools to find minor problems before they become major problems) because everyone is dedicated to fixing things that break needlessly (EG systems crashing due to lack of disk space). When people start getting control over recurring problems and automating things then the work becomes increasingly about solving problems and less about implementing the same manual processes every day/week and it s more fun and effective for everyone. At the BoF on depression at LCA 2013 one delegate stated that many companies have people in HR who can arrange support for depressed employees. Apparently if you are depressed and you work for a company that s large enough to have a HR department then it can be beneficial to talk to HR about it. That probably works well in the case where an employee is depressed but the company is working well. But in the case where the company isn t working well it seems unlikely to help. David Graeber wrote an interesting article about Bullshit Jobs [3]. He goes a bit far, I don t think that late night pizza delivery is a bullshit job and actuaries are useful to society. But his points about the existence of useless jobs are reasonable. Management Levels I sometimes wonder whether there is some benefit in establishing social norms about working and then having management take little interest in how it happens. If a team works well together then management could just set deadlines (which would be negotiated with employees who know what s possible) and let the team work out how to do it. Then instead of having one manager for each team of ~10 people who theoretically tracks what everyone is doing you could have one manager for a dozen teams who just tracks overall team performance essentially remove a layer of management. Valve is famous for having no formal management structure and for getting things done, unfortunately that apparently allows school-style cliques to block actions [4]. But I think that the Valve experiment is useful and provides some ideas that can be used by other companies. Maybe if instead of requiring consensus of the entire company for hiring decisions they only required consensus of the team things would have worked better. Of course another down-side to such things is that hierarchical management can be good for avoiding discrimination and bullying. The article I cited about Valve compares it to high-school. It could be that Valve employees were all nice people who only hired other nice people. But if similar systems were implemented in many companies then some would surely end up being like a typical high school with all the bullying and mistreatment of minority groups that entails. Michael O. Church wrote an interesting article in which he divides employees into four categories, loser , clueless , psychopaths , and technocrats (note that he didn t invent the first three names) [5]. In his model the clueless category includes most middle-management. I think that there are some problems with Michael s model and I m not arguing for a technocracy (which is how this post might be interpreted in terms of his ideas). But I think he demonstrates some of the real problems in the way companies are managed and in his model the losers prefer not to work as long as they can get paid. Conclusion I don t have any good solutions to these problems to offer. It seems that the best we can hope for is incremental change to make work less depressing, to have the minimal amount of management, and to avoid bullshit jobs .

13 October 2013

Robert Collins: key transition time

I ve transitioned to a new key announcement here or below. If you ve signed my key in the past please consider signing my new key to get it integrated into the web of trust. Thanks!
Hash: SHA1,SHA256
Sun, 2013-10-13
Time for me to migrate to a new key (shockingly late - sorry!).
My old key is set to expire early next year. Please use my new key effective
immediately. If you have signed my old key then please sign my key - this
message is signed by both keys (and the new key is signed by my old key).
old key:
pub 1024D/FBD3EB8E 2002-07-20
Key fingerprint = 9222 8732 859D 25CC 2560 B617 867B F9A9 FBD3 EB8E
new key:
pub 4096R/AAC0E286 2013-10-13
Key fingerprint = 8244 0CEA B440 83C7 9431 D2CC 298E 9A19 AAC0 E286
The new key is up on the keyservers, so you can just pull it from there.
- -Rob
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)

